Damage assessment and relocation as tools for preserving business during martial law





relocation, damage assessment, insurance, risk, accounting


The article is devoted to studying the problems of damage assessment and business relocation under martial law in Ukraine. The article uses literature and document analysis methods, including a review of recent studies on damage assessment and business relocation and an analysis of relevant legal acts and international standards. The authors examine the legal framework governing the process of assessing the damage caused by armed aggression and the mechanisms for compensating it.
The methodological aspects of evaluation, including standardised and independent approaches, are analysed, emphasising the importance of adherence to national and international standards. The main stages of the valuation process are described: preparation, actual valuation, and report. Particular attention is paid to the problems of accounting for changes in the value of money over time and regional differences in economic conditions. The article examines the role of international organisations and standards in ensuring transparency and reliability of damage assessment. The importance of establishing the International Register of Losses in The Hague as an important tool for
documenting losses and ensuring accountability for armed aggression is emphasised. Particular attention is paid to the issues of business risk insurance in wartime and investment insurance against war risks. The role of such organisations as the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency in supporting the investment climate in Ukraine is analysed. The importance of effective damage assessment and business relocation as key tools for maintaining economic stability, minimising losses and preserving the potential for future recovery and development of Ukraine under martial law is
emphasised. The need to further improve the methodology for assessing losses and compensation mechanisms to ensure fair compensation and increase confidence in the country's economic recovery process is highlighted.


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How to Cite

Panchenko, V., & Hrabchuk, I. (2023). Damage assessment and relocation as tools for preserving business during martial law. Public Policy and Accounting, (2(8), 55–58. https://doi.org/10.26642/ppa-2023-2(8)-55-58


