Review process
Each article passes double “blind” reviewing process of reviewing by the independent expert who is an acknowledged specialist in field of knowledge in scope of the provided work and whom determines a person responsible for release. Procedure of reviewing is anonymous, both for the author, and for the reviewer (article is coded - the code is provided to it and the information about authors is removed).
Reviewers give their opinions in writing, assessing theoretical and methodological level of the article, its practical value and scientific importance. Reviewers highlight the following aspects:
• compliance of the article theme with the research profile of the journal;
• topicality of the research;
• correspondence of the article title to its content;
• consistency and credibility of scientific argumentation of the main points of the article;
• sufficient proof of basic research results;
• presence of elements of scientific novelty in them;
• reflection of the research results in the conclusions;
• the need to reduce, delete, expand or rewrite some parts of the article;
• the need to clarify in terms of style, language and terminology used;
• sufficient quantity and quality of references and correct links to them.
The term of the review is agreed with the person in charge of the issue.
Reviewers are notified of the received manuscript being the intellectual property of the author.