Organizational mechanism for the implementation of state policy in the field of overcoming the consequences of military operations in Ukraine


  • Oleksandr Pivnenko National Guard of Ukraine, Ukraine



public administration, mechanisms of public administration, public policy, consequences of military operations, security and defense sector, civil society, international organizations


The article examines the key aspects of Ukraine's state policy in the field of overcoming the consequences of military operations, in particular, coordination of efforts of state bodies, international partners, NGOs and volunteers. The author emphasizes that after the devastating consequences of the war, the reconstruction of the affected regions will become a priority
for state institutions. Cooperation at various levels of government, including central and local authorities, will be an important element. The Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine is coordinating the rebuilding of critical facilities, such as roads, bridges, railways, and energy networks, using both domestic resources and international assistance. The World Bank, the IMF, the European Union, and other donors are providing funding and grants to enable the implementation of large infrastructure projects. The digitalization of recovery processes includes the introduction of electronic systems for monitoring the condition of infrastructure, recording damage, and managing financial flows. This ensures transparency and efficiency in the use of funds, helping to optimize resources and accelerate recovery. Civil society plays an important role. Volunteer organizations provide humanitarian aid, medical support, and social rehabilitation for victims, as well as participate in the reconstruction of buildings andinfrastructure. The Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Security Service of Ukraine guarantee
security in the recovering regions, in particular by ensuring public safety and countering sabotage. International organizations not only provide financial support but also help Ukraine implement best management and monitoring practices.


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How to Cite

Pivnenko, O. (2023). Organizational mechanism for the implementation of state policy in the field of overcoming the consequences of military operations in Ukraine. Public Policy and Accounting, (2(8), 49–54.


