International experience of public administration in the field of overcoming the consequences of military operations




public administration; mechanisms of public administration; public policy; consequences of military operations


The article analyses the international experience of public administration in the field of overcoming the consequences of military operations. Overcoming the consequences of military operations requires effective public administration, including coordination of efforts of the government, international organizations, NGOs and the private sector. Russia's military aggression against Ukraine has led to significant destruction of productive capital and infrastructure, caused human losses and social upheaval. The article discusses some examples of international experience of public administration in overcoming the consequences of military operations, which may be useful for developing strategies in Ukraine. The analysis of international experience of public administration in overcoming the consequences of military operations has led to the conclusion that successful overcoming the consequences of military operations requires a comprehensive approach, including reforms of legal mechanisms of public administration, economic development, social reintegration and political stabilization. International support is critical, but it must be well-coordinated and focused on long-term results. Western countries and international organizations are providing financial assistance to stabilize the economy and rebuild infrastructure. Association Agreement with the EU, which includes political and economic reforms to bring Ukraine closer to the European Union. Rebuilding state institutions and fighting corruption are key to ensuring sustainable development and stability. Ensure the development of programmes that promote reconciliation, social reintegration and support for affected communities. Ways to overcome the consequences of hostilities should be flexible and adaptive to changing conditions on the ground, considering cultural and social specificities. Decentralisation - the transfer of powers and resources to the local level to improve the effectiveness of governance and recovery - may be one of the possible ways to overcome the consequences of hostilities. International experience shows that overcoming the consequences of war requires a systemic approach, where effective public administration, international cooperation and coordination of efforts across different sectors of society play a key role. The use of these lessons can help Ukraine and other countries facing similar challenges to develop effective recovery and development strategies.


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How to Cite

Pivnenko, O. (2024). International experience of public administration in the field of overcoming the consequences of military operations. Public Policy and Accounting, (1(9), 22–26.


