Development of public self-government within the framework of public administration of physical culture and sports in the system of higher education


  • I.V. Odnovorchenko Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University, Ukraine



public self-government; physical culture and sports; higher education system; public administration


The article deals with approaches to public self-government within the framework of public administration of physical culture and sports in the system of higher education. Based on the study of the Law of Ukraine “On Education” and the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education”, the provisions on public self-government in general in education and in higher education in particular are summarized. Consideration of the subjective component of the Law of Ukraine “On Physical Culture and Sports” allowed for the identification of public self government institutions at: the level of a higher education institution - student sports centers of higher education institutions; local (territorial) level - public associations of pupils and students with a physical culture and sports orientation; national (allUkrainian) level – the sports student union of Ukraine, and also for the development of their functions. Thanks to the developed functions of all the above-mentioned public self- government bodies in the field of physical culture and sports of higher education, a synergistic effect is achieved from the development of vertical reverse management links between the Council for the Development of Physical Culture and Sports in Higher Education and the latter. In order to legitimize the proposed provisions, it is proposed to amend the Law of Ukraine “On Physical Culture and Sports” in part of Article 26 “Physical Culture in Education” by supplementing it with Part 9 in the corresponding author's wording.


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How to Cite

Odnovorchenko, I. (2024). Development of public self-government within the framework of public administration of physical culture and sports in the system of higher education. Public Policy and Accounting, (2(8), 28–34.


