Components of the public administration system for the post-war healthcare system recovery


  • Vitalii Yunger Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University, Ukraine



health care system post-war restoration, health care system, public health, russian-Ukrainian war


Based on the research findings, the theoretical provisions of the public administration of post-war restoration of the health care system using a systematic approach are substantiated. The proposed provisions formed the basis of the developed information model of the structure and content of the public administration object, which consists in identifying objects related to overcoming the consequences of the Russian-Ukrainian war and objects of the health care system modernisation. The necessity of post-war formation of the health care system new model, which should meet such features as adaptability, sustainability, and safety, is substantiated for the first time. To achieve this, the author identifies the key areas of formation and implementation of the post-war recovery strategy and outlines the activities of public administration entities, which include both the healthcare system itself and a set of entities that implement policies in other areas of public life and perform support functions. The author substantiates the substantive specifics of public administration mechanisms and directions of implementation of the feedback process. These provisions form the basis for substantiating the methodological provisions and determining the directions of practical application of the strategy of post-war health care system recovery


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How to Cite

Yunger, V. (2024). Components of the public administration system for the post-war healthcare system recovery. Public Policy and Accounting, (2(8), 11–19.


