The doctrine and formalization of factors influencing the activity and management system of the enterprise under risk conditions: pragmatic and analytical aspect




business entity, internal environment, external environment, management efficiency, indirect influence, direct influence, influencing factors


The author identified internal and external factors influencing the activity of the business entity. On the basis of a critical analysis, it is proposed to distinguish the influence factors according to the direction of action into factors of direct and indirect influence. Thanks to this distribution, a system of indicators for management is substantiated, which must be constantly monitored in order to implement anti-crisis measures in a timely manner and carry out effective activities of the business entity in the long term.

It is argued to single out in a separate group unexpected influencing factors that may manifest themselves in the near future in the course of the business entity's activity. This gradation of factors involves their division according to the direction of action, i.e. direct and indirect influence.

The conceptual principles of the effectiveness of the business entity are summarized and the main elements of its formation are highlighted. This management concept is presented by the author using a graphic method. 

An integral indicator of the enterprise's performance against challenges has been substantiated and formed through formalization, which is characterized as a measure of the influence of the external and internal environment on its development and competitiveness in a strategic perspective.

Analytical evaluation, grouping, and generalization are the basis for the formation of proposals regarding directions for counteracting the negative impact of all types of factors on the business entity's activities.


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How to Cite

Portovaras, T. ., Spyak, H., & Zdrenyk, . V. (2023). The doctrine and formalization of factors influencing the activity and management system of the enterprise under risk conditions: pragmatic and analytical aspect. Public Policy and Accounting, (2(8), 20–27.


