State management and financial support of innovations: the example of Ukraine
financial support, innovative development, state management of innovations, strategy, national security, defense industry, agro-industrial complex, UkraineAbstract
The article discusses the current trends in innovation in Ukraine, their financial support and features of public management on the example of the defense and agricultural sectors, which are vital in the field of national security. The goal is to study the impact of new economic realities caused by systemic reforms and crisis processes on the innovative development of Ukraine in order to substantiate promising areas of innovative national security in terms of highlighting the conceptual foundations of financial support for innovation as a component of Ukraine's national security. To achieve the goals of the study, scientific tasks are defined: analysis of the regulatory regulation of state investment management, statistical analysis of financing costs and correlation analysis of macro indicators, the policy of forming an innovative economy in the countries of the world, industry specifics of individual sectors of national security. Methodological tools used in the research are methods of economic theory, the method of comparisons and statistical analysis for the disclosure of innovative analysis and its components; formalization method for work on direct strategic development. According to the analysis of the dynamics of funding of scientific and scientific and technical activity during 2010-2020, an increase in the specific weight of external funds, other sources and, accordingly, a decrease in the specific weight of budget financing, domestic and foreign customers, which calculated the results of the core of the innovative ratings of the country. The data of the econometric analysis of 2010-2021 show the dependence of the view on innovations and the increase of the main macroeconomic indicators. This will be confirmed by the ranking positions for the global innovation index. Foreign experience was analyzed and recommendations are made for its possible application in the national economy. Research will contribute to the further development, emphasis and coordination of governmental and international programs for innovative development being developed for it. The results of the study may be useful for the formation of a strategy for the innovative development of individual industries.
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