Logistic system: costs, tools and perspectives





logistics, logistic activity, logistic chains, logistic costs, classification of logistic costs; logistic process; logistic tools; Blockchain technologies in logistics


The article focuses on the growing role and importance of logistics in economic systems. The concept of "logistic system" is investigated.  The basic structural components of the logistic system, their interrelationships and functions are outlined. The article presents different approaches to defining the concept of "logistic costs" and analyzes different types of logistic costs. Additionally, the article reveals the factors that influence the formation of logistic costs and suggests the ways to minimize the costs of logistic activities. The expediency of using modern logistic tools, such as automation, digitization and artificial intelligence, and the introduction of new technologies in the logistic activities of enterprises is also substantiated. The article outlines the trends and prospects for the development of national logistic systems and proposes the measures aimed at improving the logistic activities of enterprises.

Author Biography

Nataliya Kotys, West Ukrainian National University

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Zdrenyk, V., Kotys, N., & Žemeckė-Milašauskė, A. (2023). Logistic system: costs, tools and perspectives. Public Policy and Accounting, (1(7), 3–8. https://doi.org/10.26642/ppa-2023-1(7)-3-8


